What I’ve been reading

This year I set myself a challenge to read 52 books.

Why would you do that? I hear you ask.

Because I can.
Because I should.
But mostly because staring at a screen binge-watching TV isn’t good for my tired eyes, or my occasionally exhausted mind (and because 90% of the time that I’m watching TV, I’m also scrolling through social media or looking up online stores researching trends).

Plus, I have great difficulty winding down, and calming my overly busy mind. Seriously, it’s like there’s 104 tabs open at all times, so this is my meditation.

I also genuinely love to lose myself in the characters and their story and there’s always that bittersweet moment when you finish a book you’ve really loved because it’s like your friends stopped telling you a story part-way through.

So, here I am, three months into the year and I can proudly say, I’ve already finished 11 books and I’m halfway through my 12th.

Because I’m frequently asked what I’m reading, I thought I’d keep a running tally incase anyone is after inspiration (with a little synopsis of what the book is about)—plus I figure it’s a good way to stay accountable. TT

What I’ve read this year: 

As you can see, I tend to bounce between gritty crime thrillers (the more gruesome the better) and easy chic lit beach-style reads.

Occasionally I’ll throw in a non-fiction, but in most cases it also needs to be crime-related.

One of my favourite non-fiction books is Marching Powder by Rusty Young which tells the tale of Thomas McFadden, a convicted English drug trafficker who ran tours inside Bolivia’s notorious San Pedro prison.

Finally, here are a few books I read towards the end of last year that I also enjoyed:

These were all great easy reads, although I particularly loved While I Was Sleeping by Dani Atkins, I couldn’t put it down and read the whole book in a day.

If you’ve got any books you can recommend, I’d love to hear about them in the comments below. 


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